Teacher Carlotta


This BLOG is intended to be a helpful tool for other teachers and students of teaching practice.

Thank you very much for your participation and please, do not hesitate to comment or suggest whatever you want! Anything you need and you don't find here (I do not have all the time I would like to upload my work), just contact me and I will try to help you happily.

I only ask you to be polite and respectful, remember this is a blog for Teachers but also students can see it: Internet is open and we are Educators!

Have a nice reading,

Teacher Carlotta


Visit us at www.teachercarlotta.com

Parents and teachers' resources.

Kids learn English through music!

Nueva página web en marcha para padres-madres y profesores de inglés.

¡Aprende inglés con canciones y fichas divertidas!


We are moving to www.teachercarlotta.com

New awsome contents and much more resources to help you with your EFL and CLIL lessons.

See you there!

Summer Formation-Alcalá de Henares

This Summer in the Alcalá de Henares University, Professor Antonio García Gómez one wonderful professional of our field is holding a course which, just its single name, should engage us:

 Do not hesitate, sing up!!

Plan Inglés 2012 Community of Madrid

Plan de formación del Profesorado en
Lengua Inglesa 2012

La Consejería de Educación y Empleo presenta un nuevo plan de formación en inglés dirigido al profesorado de la Comunidad de Madrid. Esta formación se realizará a lo largo de los próximos meses y tendrá lugar tanto en Madrid como en países de habla inglesa.


My School's Blog

In the Bilingualism Department of my School, El Buen Gobernador, we have created a new Blog where you can find many photos of Projects and Ideas to work on in your own Schools.

Have a look at http://bilingualismdepartmentbuengobernador.blogspot.com/

Hope will make us free!

Our School is always involved becoming the friendly-helping-hand when needed!!

As we have done before,
this year we are preparing a Charity Market that will run from 19th of March until Easter in favour of:
- CARITAS http://www.caritas.es/  and
IN ITS BLOG WE ARE REFERED!! http://alberguesinfantiles.blogspot.com/
We are collecting all the items families donate to our cause and we will sell all of them to get the money we will send later to this two Organisations (50% each)
Would you like to participate?? Get in touch!!